Ask This General

Brigadier General Peter B. Zwack {Ret.}

Open Letter in Support of Free Inquiry and Discussion

WOTR STAFF We, the undersigned, watched with worry the recent flurry of media and social-media speculation about a possible appointment to the National Security Council. This concerned Matthew Rojansky, the Director of the Woodrow Wilson’s Kennan Institute, a leading national center dedicated to the study of Russia and Eurasia. The personal attacks on Mr. Rojansky […]

The Russian Military Buildup on Ukraine’s Border | An Expert Analysis

For the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, pressure has been building up at several levels over recent years. At the macro level, Russia’s relations with the United States (and, by extension, NATO) have deteriorated significantly as a result of the continuous flow of Russian disruptive and adversarial actions since its invasion of Ukraine in 2014. These actions […]

Biden Administration to Seek Five-year Extension on START

With the onset of the Biden Administration we are at an early pivotal moment with Russia. So it was good to hear the Biden team’s interest in extending New START, as well as the Putin regime’s interest. While relations are terrible and distrust high, the imminent expiration on February 5th of the strategic nuclear New […]